Torridon88's Maps

@minikeum Haha I'm sure I'll find time for both!

@8up-local Don't get me wrong, I'm all about having a purpose. When I've been making my own maps I've spent a lot of time thinking about level design to make sure there's plenty of challenging scenarios. From delivering logs to rescuing vehicles and unlocking garages, I like to pack in lots of stuff to do. But sometimes you just gotta pick a truck and enjoy the drive!

I've made exploration a big part of this map. The whole map is cloaked under 13 watchpoints. Some are difficult to get at, some are deceptively placed and some give you an easier time to keep you guessing. Hopefully it should encourage people to scout the map rather than just gunning for the objectives.


I've found a very very good map:
The North Russia Another Path Map v1.0

Very diverse: mud pits, rocks, steep climbs, even rock crawling.
Finding all the cloaking points is tricky: none are impossible to get, but you definitely want to get them through the right path. And some path are misleading 🙂
To open the first garage, you need to find the first garage points, and they are tricky to bring to the closed garage!

Three problems in my opinion:

  • 7 sawmills to fill! Some sawmills are next to each other...
  • the loading station is only accessible through one trail (with small variants) and with 7 sawmills, you're going to see this trail a lot...
  • on this trail, there is a slippery off camber bridge that is too tricky to pass, especially with a trailer... I hate those slippery bridge! In high-water I tipped trucks more than once! They are way too slippery.

Otherwise I strongly suggest to give it a try! Very good map!

last edited by minikeum

I started highwater only with a uaz 469 in hardcore. My goal is to discover all the cloaking points with it.
Trying to do it as much as possible without the winch is a lot of fun!
I don't know yet how I'm going to cross the river though. Maybe where there are multiple little islands? We'll see!

Highwater is still my favorite map

Sorry I've been away for a while, I keep getting distracted with other things. The map is nearly done now, the steam workshop update inspired me to get it finished. I have a little more detailing to do as some of the first areas I created look a little bland compared to the more recent stuff. I'll spend the next few days getting those up to standard and hopefully release it by this weekend.

This has been a monster of a map to build. I hope it gives you all at least a few hours of enjoyment!

Here's how it looks with almost all areas finished:


That's a sweet looking map, my friend! Can't wait to get wheels on it! 🙂

@mexican_420 @mexican_420 Thanks! Me too, I’ve been play testing it as I go but it’s gonna be nice to play it properly.

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for posting those excellent editor tutorial vids on YT. Looking forward to your next map too. Your attention to detail is second to none. And supreme quality standards are evident in everything you do. 👍 👍

last edited by MudHappy

@mudhappy You’re welcome and thanks for the compliment man!

I’ve just about finished the map. I’ve been testing it as I put the finishing touches on it but I’m not sure if I should release it publicly on the steam workshop or publish it to friends only for initial testing.

If anyone wants to help test it, add me on steam and you’ll be able to see it as of tomorrow if I decide to open it up to friends only first.


I'm down for testing! I need another hour or more anyway.... Not superstitious, but...


666 hours 😯

@mexican_420 even the dude in the photo looks worried! 😆

@Torridon88 Had a great time on the first map you posted here, as MudHappy pointed out, your attention to detail is top notch and the dedication you have shows in the finished product. Thanks again.

Just realized that I'm NOT running the beta (and have zero intention to do so) so I guess I'm S.O.L. unless you post a link here, or PM me the download link...

@mexican_420 I’ll send you a pm when it’s ready.

Longridge is now available for testing on the Steam workshop. It’s currently only visible to people on my friends list until I release it publicly.

@torridon88 Amazing map! Beautiful and with the right amount of challenge! I love it!
Thank you so much for the time you spent designing it!

@minikeum Thanks bud, you're welcome! You've just reminded me that I never posted it on these forums too.

Longridge has been released!

You can find it here:


1_1525434825920_Longspring workshop 1.jpg

0_1525434825920_Longfall workshop 1.jpg

Details can be found on the steam page, you can leave feedback and bug reports here or on the steam workshop page.


I'm running Longfall right now! Another great map, man!

Dude! Your map! IT'S CURSED! Random massive boulders falling from the sky! I heard the guy talking about it over on the Steam page the other day. I thought "oh BS...that never happened". Then it just happened to me! 😲

I was within spitting distance of the mill with my load too. 😞

It's cool though. I've got a save from not too far before that. 😌

EDIT: I hadn't found the other pics until a minute ago. So that makes 3 of us that's happened to on this map. But there's some other guys saying it happened to them on other maps too. WTF is going on with that? I'm well over 600 hours played, on dozens of different maps, with hundreds of different mods installed, and it's never happened to me before. Oh...and I wasn't using the winch. Just driving along and...BAM!!! At the moment I have no vehicle mods or maps installed other than workshop. But I don't really believe this is mod related at all either. I don't know what it is causing it. But that hypothesis doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. Sorry. Not buying it. 600+ hours played, WAY many mods and maps installed...yadda yadda yadda. And it's just suddenly happening now. Why would that be? There's a reason...but it ain't likely that. At any rate...I'm NOT EVEN about to go unsubscribing from nearly 1000 workshop mods and at a try and figure out which is one causing it. EFF THAT NOISE!!!

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last edited by MudHappy