PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10)

@vesenny after a few attempts I found that you need to tow the fallen car bach to trailer (just front wheels on a ramp is enough) and you'll be able to unpack car and use it.

@Felmarg said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

Not in patch note : "Motion Blur" option added and activated by default.

@esorokin Is this intended to be part of "game exploration" as well? I double checked this myself in the live game vs PTS, and yes it is a new feature that was added, but was never mentioned in the PTS notes... c'mon guys, it's not that hard to make a simple list of all the changes. Have your programmers and coders write down everything they fix, change, or add. Then you compile all those small lists together and have @Jellyfoosh copy them on the forum here. It literally can not be any easier than that.

I really like this game, I honestly do. And all of you have done an excellent job of repairing it to get it into a much better state than it was in at launch. I just can not fathom how things like this just "slip through", or was it a conscious decision? Slipping past... well mistakes happen, but it's happened quite a bit in every patch. Conscious decision to not mention it? That just isn't right. Same as not saying anything about changing the controller settings on consoles. If you made a mistake and meant to list it, a quick apology goes a long way.

Is anyone else having issues with loading materials? It seems the yellow loading zone is missing at some spots. One location is the steel beams next to the garage at Yukon. Another time I saw this happen was during a modded map I regularly play on the standard game.

BTW, is there any way to pull flying cars down? I drove close to car (mission task) and car flew away in the sky - still there ))
I have no Idea how to get it...

If you mean the place between the garage and the bridge, there you can load 1 metal beam... after this one, the yellow frame dissapears.

@Fratzegeballer yep that's the spot and exactly what it did. I tried deleting the beam which worked....then I couldn't get another to drop.

then this one is gone and you must get anothe one from another place where you can wreck a building (e.g.).

@vesenny said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

BTW, is there any way to pull flying cars down? I drove close to car (mission task) and car flew away in the sky - still there ))
I have no Idea how to get it...

My game with my flying vehicles is no longer accessible. From experience, this will last until a new patch is released.

I've had success entering the vehicles, recover and deploy again, but equally I've just got a wreck both in the garage and outside.

@Fratzegeballer got it thanks for the explanation, looks like I rushed it and didn't realize what I was doing. A good reason why I test out new maps on PTS before my real save!

Is there any chance we will get to buy the navistar truck on pc too? Its availabke to buy as a dlc on consoles but not on epic games.

Not that it matter much, as long it don't happen in retail game when update final version deploys, but in pts server all watchtower are reset somehow.

i don't know what was patched but the exploding trucks and trailers still persists. maybe even worse. you posted this 2 hours ago, i just got off server 15 min ago

@oldevil66 whel, after a few attempts I realized that you need to restart the mission and then everything should be fine.

I found that if switch to the car you left somwhere leads to car damage due to unexplainable car shaking...

No mention of the "Motion Blur" option in the Video menu? Or the mud tires for the ANK? I know those were part of the previous patch, but neither were included in the patch notes. Also saw my last post about these things went unanswered where I tagged both @Jellyfoosh and @esorokin and on behalf of the community, I will continue to tag both of you until I get some sort of explanation as to why things like these are not included in the patch notes. If they were overlooked, simply apologize and say so. If it was done purposefully, there should be a good and logical reason as to why. "Game Exploration" is pretty vague and I'd like to hear what that is supposed to entail and reasoning behind it. What is it about "Game Exploration" that makes it acceptable, enjoyable, etc to players? Why not just tell us about these things in the first place?

@Glitchworks I've moved your post as you were responding to patch notes on the live build, not the PTS.

The motion blur option is related to some console changes, and mistakenly didn't make it into the patch notes because console-specific changes are not listed on the PTS patch notes.

We don't list new upgrades in the patch notes because it is considered a spoiler for some people who want to discover the upgrades as they play a map.

@Jellyfoosh said in PTS Update 02/10/2020 (Patch 10):

@Glitchworks I've moved your post as you were responding to patch notes on the live build, not the PTS.

The motion blur option is related to some console changes, and mistakenly didn't make it into the patch notes because console-specific changes are not listed on the PTS patch notes.

We don't list new upgrades in the patch notes because it is considered a spoiler for some people who want to discover the upgrades as they play a map.

It was mistakenly left out, the same way the console steering change was left out of the live patch notes when that was released?

This explanation is totally head scratching? Why would you not include console changes in the patch notes for the PTS, especially when those changes actually change things directly related to PC mechanics? I would think even though the console specific changes are typically not visible to the PC user, something you changed for the console could potentially break something on the PC and we would have no way to know to even look for it. For example, if the console steering change had done something to controller steering on the PC, we would have never known that SOMETHING had changed and would be left barking on here demanding to know why its now broken. You guys could save yourselves a whole lot of headaches just by telling us what is going on at all times. Why make it more difficult for yourselves when it's obvious the community wants full transparency on these sort of things.

And, Im also interested to know which map do I play to unlock the mud tires on the ANK? I'd love to hear the answer for this.

I'm sorry but, you may have fixed something but at the same time created a bunch of problems. The new MOD options doesn't work properly and many of my mods are gone. Also, several vehicles show like they were "crushed" and the same happens with the trailers. The terrain in some locations is not showing correctly with a layer on top of the layer sort of like a celling on top of the terrain. There are several areas with that corruption and happened after the last update I got yesterday (the 7th).
I lost several vehicles and the ones I managed to find on the store again, didn't have names and it says corrupted files. So if the idea on this update was to solve issues, it seems to me it created more that then ones it solved.