Essential Semi

When I approach this semi trailer with a vehicle - it causes an explosion and the trailer and truck to fly into the air, the trailer is stuck in the air - is mangled - unable to complete this taskIMG_7377.jpg

last edited by jeffpaul1234

Restarted it - impossible to complete... got under the trailer to see what it was stuck on - will not budge - - - the right tire is embedded in the rock.... will not go up - will not go down the ravine...Screenshot 2023-12-17 at 3.12.35 PM.png restarted a few more times - same situation...

last edited by jeffpaul1234

restarted - tried again after today's update (12/18/2023) - trailer tire still embedded in rock

Yep, it's stuck in there pretty bad.


British Columbia trailer all over again

still stuck ... 28.2 did not fix for me... now 2 wheels embedded in rock - restarted about a dozen times... still stuck - I have test server installed on two desktop gaming computers - same situation on both machines - stuck in rockIMG_7409.jpg

last edited by jeffpaul1234

Hello, @jeffpaul1234

Could you please contact the support team at It would help the development team to have additional information for the investigation.

@Talk-E thanks - issue reported to support

Funnily enough restarting is what breaks it. My bad for not doublechecking. On a new save it's perfectly fine, but if the task is restarted - boom:


last edited by McKillem