[FIXED][PTS 28.2] Contract "Ghost Town", house "warehouse" dissapear

Completing the contract "Ghost Town" unlocks three cargo zones. Grabbing all of the cargo from those zones makes the house associated with dissapear.
However, one of the houses disappear as soon as the "Ghost Town" contract is completed.

This house below
Capture d’écran 2023-12-10 121204.jpg


last edited by DJbarro

Still present PTS 28.1

Still present PTS 28.2

This was fixed in PTS 28.2 but there is a possibility you won't be able to see it on a save with the old data.

Haa yeah I think that's what happened, I probably did the contract again in an existing save, and for some reason in my newest game 28.2 it is indeed fixed.
Not sure where I got a brain fart but yeah, fixed!!