[FIXED][PTS 25.0] Task "In a Tough Spot"

Typo mistake in the text for the task "In a Tough Spot"

Probably missing a "y" or something like that in the string.


last edited by DJbarro

For me this task "In a tough spot" does not resolve. Recognizes delivery of 2 spare parts but not the trailer delivery

last edited by Karl K.

I confirm that it cannot be completed

Confirm failure to deliver trailer or complete.

Task partially done and restarted, unable to complete.

Capture d’écran (6242).png

Task still does not complete after update

As of PTS 25.1 task now works as intended. Requires restarting the task if you've played on PTS 25.0.

SnowRunner 05.09.2023 21_27_27.png

Capture d’écran (6244).png

Confirmed. Completes after restarting task