Hello, in this short suggestion I propose automatic refunding of all the addons installed on a truck that have a socket name not found on said truck.

For example: Step Pike has Sideboard bed addon installed with a socket "FrameAddon", after update a custom Sideboard bed addon was created with a new socket - "Step39331PikeSideboard", which replaced the previous socket name in the truck's XML. Since now the installed addon and the truck don't have matching sockets, the addon is being automatically refunded, so player is not lost on the money and can buy the new proper addon.

Currently however, if such situation happens, players are stuck with an addon that cannot be removed manually (since the socket is now missing on that truck) and the only way to get rid of that left-over addon is to sell and rebuy whole truck, not very elegant solution.

So far it seems to be a reason why any major changes to addon selection hadn't ever happened and were preventing you from doing so, so an elegant system that will always refund addons with mismatching socket names seems to be a good idea to look into. (As of an example, something that now seems to be happening on the Mastodon).

In conclusion, what I'm asking is that, if a truck has an addon installed with a socket name not found on the truck itself, refund that addon immediately, so player is not lost on anything, nor stuck with it and you are free to make bigger changes to the trucks post release.