Can we get 'Uniform Camo' variants of the
High Cut, High Cut Cans, High Cut Headset and the MICH 2000 IR, MICH 2000 IR Cans, & MICH 2000 IR Headset helmets?

I roll into games with full camo on all my armor on the Security faction, except I really like how the High Cut Headset and MICH 2000 IR Headset helmets look, so I just wear regular old colors on those with my otherwise fully camo'd uniform/armor, and it always looks kind of weird, no matter how hard I try to ignore it.

Like I got full DCU camo on all my equipment, but my helmet is just sand colored. 😕

I know these MICH or High Cut helmets are camoflauged in real life, so why not in this game also? Being serious here, why not?