Are you fuckin serious guys?
Why is nobody of your Developers bothering to anwser any questions regarding your pathetic 'new' spawn system?
Don't you see that you fucked it up? That you did a bad job?
Don't you see that your spawn protection is the worst fuckin idea for a game mode like 'Domination'?!
Did any Play Test happen with Domination at all?!

Your fuckin Patchnotes say: 'There are two spawn protection timers:
The first timer activates on player spawn or respawn and lasts for 30 seconds.
The second timer will override the first timer if the player moves or performs an action and lasts for five seconds

This 'does not Work'!
I don't even know how to explain it and it makes me so fuckin angry.
500hours 'wasted' on this game - Yes, i had 500h fun but since that update i don't even bother to play more than 2 rounds
For me it was one of the best FPS out there.. but first we lost competitive and now this BS.

You get killed by player with a 'game give Godmode' - Thanks to your update.
Five seconds is far to fuckin long!
If a person spawns and he just stands there - Yes, give him 30 seconds protection.
But as soon as the player moves, the timer must be set to 2, maybe 3 seconds and when the player starts shooting - the spawn protection has to DISAPEAR INSTANTLY!
I can't even count how often i get the fuckin Message 'SpAwN pRoTeCtIoN AcTiVe PlAyEr DID nOt ReCeIvE aNy DaMaGe' or whatever the fuck its says, while playing just 1 Map/Round.
It's a fuckin joke.

In 99.9% of the time you encounter a player walking/sprinting around and he even starts shooting at you - This means this player is clearly 'able to play' and ready to engage - So why should he have spawn protection or lets better call it 'god mode'?!
I don't get this.
I also can't count how often i get this fuckin spawn protectionn message while some one is shooting at me and i returr fire!
If they guy does not kill you instantly you can clearly feel something is wrong here - I return about 4-5 well placed single shots at him and get the message he did not receive any damge.
Why? Why has he godmode when he is ready to engage/play?
Its a fuckin JOKE.
The spawn protection must disapear as soon as the player starts shooting.

How can you not see this? Or how can you not care about your community, or at least comment on it?
Your game is dying and people like me, who support this game for years, will leave sooner or later.
The community is small and you always see 'the same people'.
New players only stay for a few weeks, maybe months.