Bug(?) report - Player clearly received no dmg

Replay ID - 6521790b-6cb0-4a28-9e1c-7aecb6e833ee

Closely to the end of first round, a player TheShyGuy21 received several clear shots from me (Sargoth) and full magazine from player MrKev. No damage done. Shortly after we were both shot by him. Those were the last deaths of the round.

Please check the footage, I've seen such a bug for the first time and strangely both myself and MrKev had the same issue, not doing any damage to the same player (and only him). With clear shots, no doubt about the hits.


This happens a lot. This is a new feature in the game.

You found a new feature of the game. It's supposed to be like that. There's nothing wrong with the game.