Micro freezes when the game is loading content!

I had move the game to one of my HDD some time but I didn't play it since that.
Yesterday (november 15) when played I face many micro freezes when the game seems to load content in the following moments:

  • When the game is launched and the main screen with the helicopter in the background is loading.
  • Before every match starts, when the players spawn into the map in the beginning of the match or when many players respawn.

During the gameplay itself this problem don't occur.

The game didn't have this problem in the past before the last update.

I had to move the game to my SSD which removes 99% of this micro freezes but I think there's no reason this game cannot work better from a HDD.

Today I had some freezes whan I was playing in the Gap map.
The game is now in my SSD and even so it freezes.
I played many times (more than 10x) in Gap but only one time the freeze happened.

last edited by Shadoware