First, let me just say that I just bought this game about a week ago and man it is a breath of fresh air to a console player whose had to endure COD and BF for years now. After playing it I really see some potential for an even better game. Here are my suggestions to improve immersion.
NOTE: All of my suggestions are in reference to console.

  1. Add civilian AI to the map and penalize players for killing them. This would require posters to exercise better trigger discipline.
  2. On night operations, and an awareness mechanic to AI so that as long as everyone has silenced weapons, no one gets spotted, or basically anything to alert the AI, you could progress through a checkpoint operation without "raising the alarm".
  3. Add the forest maps that are on PC to console.
  4. Allow more points for equipping attachments, accessories, etc in coop. (I understand limiting it for multi-player but coop should be focused on immersion in my humble opinion.
  5. Add two new game modes for coop and multi-player. Mode 1: Eliminate the HVT Mode 2: Extract the HVT.
    These are my humble suggestions that I think would make this epic game even more epic.
    Thanks again NWI for being the forerunner in bringing tactical shooters to console.