Game stucks on loading screen.

It happens that once a previously played save is loaded or when a map is changed to another one (via gates), the game tends to permanently stuck on the loading screen. It may be related to using mods on the said save, as I've experienced this issue at least 3 times when using Rng3r's WL500, while it did not happen a once while playing without any mods turned on. It also happened once on my custom map, leading towards it may be problem with mods. Other people also experienced this issue.

I have the same issue, consistently. Never been able to play the new map. I tried disabling several mods, to no avail. There is still plenty of free RAM. I can use the training maps without any problem. What could it be? Also, version displayed in EGL is 16.0 and not 16.1.
Thanks for any hint!

I tried disabling all mods but one, and it failed again. Only when I disabled all of them was I able to get into the game. Strangely, I was redirected from the Don map to another one (2 loading screens in a row) and that was it. Afterwards, I could enable my favourite mod and play normally. Odd no? Would a save game help you find the issue?