Xbox series s graphic/performance

I’d like to start off by saying I love this game and where it can be taken, however, I’m a Xbox series s user and I’ve had some complaints on its graphic capabilities. It’s almost like this game lacks a resolution completely. Considering it’s labeled as a next gen game on the Xbox consoles. It’s a huge bummer to see such low quality display. I’d love to see some attention to the series s users and possibly a 1440p option added soon.

Note that 4k has been disabled temporarily while NWI tries to sort out some of the issues they've been having. 1080P is what everyone is playing right now IIRC. I noticed it right away after they sent the update.

....but again, it's supposed to be temporary.

I thought that was just on PS5 & PS4 Pro...

Love the game as well, but playing on the Series X... some textures seem sub 720p (start up menu)