Option to queue only for Insurgents or Security scenarios - Suggestion

Please add an option to queue for games for only one specific team, or both. It is frustrating wanting to play as Insurgents or Security only and I have to keep leaving and rejoining games, while loading the maps and finding games. You also cant back out while the match is loading, so you are forced to wait ~2-3 minutes for the map to load.


Please add an option to queue for games for only one specific team, or both. It is frustrating wanting to play as Insurgents or Security only and I have to keep leaving and rejoining games

This was removed due to lack of players in specific queues long time ago.

so you are forced to wait ~2-3 minutes for the map to load.

I'd suggest to run the game ffrom a fast SSD as that cuts down the loading times significantly assuming your CPU can handle the I/O.