Xbox - Infinite Autosave Crash

Its not the patch @altima_boy_ff, ive this troubleshootings on xbox without it 😞
i think the patch is useless.. no wonder microsoft denied it so long 😪

Soooo.. The patch hasn't fixed it? I'm an xbox player.

Patch is not out yet on Xbox, sorry you have to wait this long...
We working our best so you can have it as soon as possible, but certification process is still on its way.

@Focus_HugoM oh a team member from focus!? Thank you for touching base!!! (I actually mean that with sincerity)

Apparently this patch doesn't even cover the issues ive been dealing with? According to ps4 players.

I'd love to say something encouraging but focus has shattered moral for the most part, I think we all just want answers to why such a buggy game was released, I'm also sure we'd be understanding if we got an honest and clear/transparent answer.

last edited by Lord Pappa Bear