So there are quite some issues with how it currently works, especially in pvp this can be exploited:

  1. It's susceptible for cheating, overlay software or just a sticker on the monitor makes laser sights redundant. Combined with gamma cheating it's literally shooting like csgo with 100% center accuracy.
  2. Headglitching.
  3. Many visual glitches like:
  • Lasers shining through walls and objects (because the laser shines from the peq unit to the point of impact which is the screencenter)
  • Weaponblocking even more inconsistent than in normal shooting modes. In many instances you can stick your gun through the wall where the weapon doesn't get blocked and while still being able to shoot (= also headglitching).
  • Recoil glitches, the laserbeam bounces with the recoil, however the laser dot stays exactly centered, making the beam and dot disconnect.

Overall the mechanic just feels a bit primitive, glitchy and unpolished.

My suggestion:

It's very simple and already in the game; make pointshooting exactly work like hipfire but with a (much) reduced deadzone and more controlled recoil. Not only will it fix many of the mentioned issues, also will it be much more realistic and skillful.