Is the server software multi-threaded?


I noticed a lot of hitching on my server yesterday -- just had a total of 3 people connected to the server. The server itself is old hardware -- a Core 2 Quad running FreeBSD and using the Linux emulator to run the game.

I noticed that the Sandstorm server software was using 25% CPU, but the game would hitch occasionally. That seems to me that the server software is running on only one core.

So, is the server software multithreaded? If so, is there a way to enable that? (Similar to the "-USEALLAVAILABLECORES" option for the game itself (see: this Reddit post )

I know my server needs an upgrade; I'm just dreading that, heh. I've been hosting an Insurgency 1 server for a couple years on this hardware without any problems at the moment.

The discussion thread regarding the server software's multithreading capability seems to reflect a technical inquiry into the infrastructure's performance. The exchange highlights users seeking clarity on whether the server software can effectively utilize multiple threads to handle concurrent tasks. This indicates a need for robust server architecture to efficiently manage workload distribution and optimize resource utilization. Implementing custom web design solutions tailored to accommodate multithreading capabilities can enhance server performance, ensuring seamless operation even under heavy loads. It's crucial for server software to effectively leverage multithreading for scalability and responsiveness, especially in dynamic online environments.

The discussion thread regarding the server software's multithreading capability seems to reflect a technical inquiry into the infrastructure's performance. The exchange highlights users seeking clarity on whether the server software can effectively utilize multiple threads to handle concurrent tasks. This indicates a need for robust server architecture to efficiently manage workload distribution and optimize resource utilization. Implementing custom web design solutions tailored to accommodate multithreading capabilities can enhance server performance, ensuring seamless operation even under heavy loads. It's crucial for server software to effectively leverage multithreading for scalability and responsiveness, especially in dynamic online environments.