
itll be great, look forward to it

I cannot wait to test sandstorm !!!

Been pumped for the alpha since the first announcement! Cheers and Happy New Year!

CHOO CHOO! All abroad the Sandstorm hype train!

@netheos really looking forward to the COOP game play

Hi, i play INSURGENCY 2 for a while, 4 years in 1 month...2600 hours played !!!!!
I'm very happy to know that the CLOSED BETA is ready !!

zuletzt editiert von Alma

I really can’t wait!!!! How will I know if there is a beta or something? Do I have to sign up for something to get emails or do I just look at the forums?

@brackenator said in Welcome!:

I really can’t wait!!!! How will I know if there is a beta or something? Do I have to sign up for something to get emails or do I just look at the forums?

We'll announce any future testing session on this forum and on social networks. Have a nice day!

   With the Insurgency: Sandstorm team's visionary outlook, I'm very exited to see what they can accomplish with this game. They have already proven themselves to be an extreemly capable team with the past insurgency despite their limited resources and seeing the results of it in alpha have got my hopes up in having the chance to help give feed back to improve on beta.

What’s up everyone! I’m just as excited for Sandstorm!

Whats up everyone?


Thanks for the welcome. I finally got in as well and am very anxious to play-test the game! 😀

I'm hyped. Played and loved insurgency since the mod back when. If Sandstorm retains that gritty insurgency feel, I'm scared to think how much time I'll spend playing 😃

Hi, rly hyped for the game, cant wait for the release. Thumbs up for devs and publisher.