Once again why this is a terrible feature. Playing push this afternoon and whilst commanding as I often do (quite successfully)... I mark for drones and then give my team a good ol fashion heads up or shoutout what ever the hell you want to call it and I kill some baddies along with one teammate. Oops I tried to let him know... then a little later I proceed to call in a strafing run in which I also give my team a well advanced heads up and I take out another teammate once again along with some enemies. Now I’ve killed two I apologize even though I really don’t feel I should have to but... Canadian... and no one seems to be upset... so now fast forward a little I am capturing and sitting in a corner on the objective when a enemy starts to climb through a ground level window 20 feet in front of me luckily I am aiming right at the window and just as I am about to initiate some very intricate brain surgery on this sorry sob a teammate decides to take a little stroll completely oblivious to what’s going on right in front of me and instead takes a quite lengthy burst straight to the dome. Needless to say the damage is reflected to me we both die (him from the window dweller) and we lose the match which I was still at the top of my team with the most kills and objectives but we lost...

So anyways I took quite the hiatus from this game and decided about 2 days ago to give it another little look see and I will admit I was having some fun but that really really left a sour taste in my mouth and reminded me that the softening of this game with the addition of such features as damage reflection were literally what made me stop playing in the first place (amongst other things). I know this isn’t Insurgency anymore I get it but come the fuck on man this watered down shit is getting brutal. If it was working and really drawing a huge crowd I might say fine just my loss but your still not amassing huge numbers so why not try to head back a touch towards the older Insurgency roots even a little that truly made Insurgency unique, lethal, amazing, not for the faint of heart you know Insurgency. That’s it... kudos to anyone who actually read this! Sincerely a truly defeated gamer.