Crash report.

this crash happands more often now.
it happands most when map cycle's to another map
same to the players on my server.

Log file open, 11/09/18 09:27:04
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk8-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk8-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk7-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk7-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk6-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk6-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk5-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk5-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk4-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk4-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk3-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk3-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk1-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk1-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsServer.pak attempting to mount.
LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsServer.pak.
LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 4 named threads and 8 total threads with 1 sets of task threads.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'D3D11RHI' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogICUInternationalization: Display: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +1:00, Platform Override: ''
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Wwise
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MatineeToLevelSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemSteamNWI
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystem
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Ansel
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NVIDIAGfeSDK
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineFramework
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaPlayerEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WmfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNWI
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SignificanceManager
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Niagara
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ReplicationGraph
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NativizedAssets
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ImmediatePhysics
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PhysXVehicles
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EasyAntiCheat
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Rcon
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RconSandstorm
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AISupport
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LightPropagationVolume
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetManagerEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CryptoKeys
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin FacialAnimation
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MeshEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditableMesh
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AlembicImporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryCache
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CharacterAI
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LinearTimecode
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaCompositing
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TcpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UdpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NetcodeUnitTest
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ArchVisCharacter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RuntimePhysXCooking
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.091s to configure plugins.
LogInit: Using libcurl 7.55.1-DEV
LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32
LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.0.2h
LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
LogInit: - other features:
LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = false - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate
LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
LogInit: - CertBundlePath = nullptr - Libcurl will use whatever was configured at build time.
LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default
LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536
LogOnline: Display: STEAM (NWI): Loading Steam SDK 1.39
LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
LogAnsel: Tried to load ../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Nvidia/Ansel/Binaries/ThirdParty/AnselSDK64.dll : success=1
LogTemp: Using NVIDIAGfeSDKPlugin version 1.0.0
LogInit: Build: ++sandstorm+build-patch-110818-packaged-CL-71277
LogInit: Engine Version: 4.20.3-71277+++sandstorm+build-patch-110818-packaged
LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.20.0-4212847+++sandstorm+build-patch-110818-packaged
LogInit: Net CL: 4212847
LogInit: OS: Windows 8 (), CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Nov 7 2018 05:49:38
LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.00.24215.01
LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
LogInit: Branch Name: ++sandstorm+build-patch-110818-packaged
LogInit: Command Line: Oilfield?Scenario=Scenario_Oilfield_Checkpoint_Security?port=27102?queryport=27131?beaconport=27161?MaxPlayers=10 -server -log - -EnableCheatshostname="TESTNLD"
LogInit: Base Directory: D:/serverins/Insurgency/Binaries/Win64/
LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 0
LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.001s to delete old logs.
LogInit: Presizing for max 2097152 objects, including 130000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 32000000 bytes for permanent pool.
LogStreaming: Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: false, Async Post Load: false
LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:004][ 0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'ExampleDeviceProfileSelector' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:004][ 0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [WindowsServer]
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogHAL: Display: Platform has ~ 32 GB [34314104832 / 34359738368 / 32], which maps to Largest [LargestMinGB=32, LargerMinGB=12, DefaultMinGB=8, SmallerMinGB=6, SmallestMinGB=0)
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile [Windows]
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: Setting Device Profile CVar: [[r.Vulkan.UseRealUBs:1]]
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile []
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: Computer: DESKTOP-Q4HOLD2
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: User: johwie
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:009][ 0]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =3.914065 MHz
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=32.0GB (32GB approx)
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsServer
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 91.32 MB used, 91.32 MB peak
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 139.72 MB used, 139.72 MB peak
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 3218.61 MB used, 29505.88 MB free, 32724.48 MB total
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:010][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 4578.43 MB used, 29505.88 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:663][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (nl-NL).
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:664][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (nl-NL).
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:688][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'nl-NL' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:689][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'nl-NL' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:739][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.076s to InitEngineTextLocalization.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:753][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (nl-NL).
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:753][ 0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (nl-NL).
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:754][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'nl-NL' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:754][ 0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'nl-NL' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:783][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Took 0.031s to InitGameTextLocalization.
[2018.11.09-08.27.06:968][ 0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.1852 seconds to start up
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:070][ 0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (BlockAll) - Custom Channel Name = 'ClientsideDestructible' hasn't been found
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:070][ 0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel8' hasn't been found
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:070][ 0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (OverlapOnlyPawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'GameTraceChannel9' hasn't been found
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:071][ 0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (Pawn) - Custom Channel Name = 'None' hasn't been found
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:071][ 0]LogCollisionProfile: Warning: Profile (Destructible) - Custom Channel Name = 'ClientsideDestructible' hasn't been found
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:071][ 0]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:078][ 0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 9 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.006529 seconds
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:078][ 0]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../Insurgency/Content/Paks/pakchunk0-WindowsServer.pak added to pak precacher.
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:110][ 0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'ExampleDeviceProfileSelector' not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:152][ 0]LogNetVersion: Insurgency 1.0.0, NetCL: 4212847, EngineNetVer: 5, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 3077621202)
[2018.11.09-08.27.07:804][ 0]LogProperty: Warning: Serialized Class /Script/UMG.Border for a property of Class /Script/UMG.Image. Reference will be nullptred.
Property = ObjectProperty /Game/UI/Widgets/HUD/BP_ObjectiveIcon.BP_ObjectiveIcon_C:IconBorder
Item = Border /Game/UI/Widgets/HUD/BP_FloatingObjectiveIcon.WidgetArchetype:WidgetTree_0.IconBorder
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:283][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameFireSupport.ST_GameFireSupport' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:284][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameHUD.ST_GameHUD' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:301][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameItems.ST_GameItems' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:301][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Gamemodes.ST_Gamemodes' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:302][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameProps.ST_GameProps' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:303][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameVehicles.ST_GameVehicles' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:303][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameWeapons.ST_GameWeapons' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:313][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameWeaponUpgrades.ST_GameWeaponUpgrades' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:314][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_IngameMenus.ST_IngameMenus' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:335][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Lessons.ST_Lessons' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:351][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_LoadingHints.ST_LoadingHints' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:352][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_MapNames.ST_MapNames' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:354][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Menu.ST_Menu' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:356][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Profile.ST_Profile' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:356][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Scenarios.ST_Scenarios' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:357][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Taglines.ST_Taglines' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:358][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Tutorial.ST_Tutorial' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:361][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Voiceover.ST_Voiceover' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:383][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Bindings.ST_Bindings' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:385][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_CosmeticItems.ST_CosmeticItems' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.08:396][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_GameFactions.ST_GameFactions' 'None'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.10:206][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Additivie type (AnimSequence /Game/Animated/Weapons/Rifle/G36/Animations/AN_1P_G36_FG_Reload_BoltRelease.AN_1P_G36_FG_Reload_BoltRelease) does not match. Make sure you add same type of additive animation.
[2018.11.09-08.27.10:210][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Additivie type (AnimSequence /Game/Animated/Weapons/Rifle/M4A1/Animations/AN_1P_M4A1_B_Reload_Empty_BoltRelease.AN_1P_M4A1_B_Reload_Empty_BoltRelease) does not match. Make sure you add same type of additive animation.
[2018.11.09-08.27.10:714][ 0]LogAnimation: Warning: Additivie type (AnimSequence /Game/Animated/Weapons/Rifle/M16A4/Animations/AN_1P_M16A4_B_Reload_Empty_BoltRelease.AN_1P_M16A4_B_Reload_Empty_BoltRelease) does not match. Make sure you add same type of additive animation.
[2018.11.09-08.27.11:446][ 0]LogStringTable: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/UI/Strings/ST_Menu.ST_Menu' 'OnlineCustomAvailableModes'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
[2018.11.09-08.27.11:582][ 0]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: De bewerking is voltooid. (0)

hope you find anything.

@dutchxarms I host the COOP server TERMINUS BATTLE SERVER and can attest to this issue. On my custom COOP server I experience this as well. I get a game crash at the loading screen when changing maps.